What do I vote for?
Federal Elections:
- President: Every four years, voters choose who will be the President of the United States.
- Congress: The U.S. Congress is made up of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Senators serve six-year terms, while Representatives serve two-year terms.
State Elections:
- Governor: The head of a state’s government. Governors are typically elected every four years.
- State Legislature: Just like the federal Congress, each state has its own legislature, usually consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives (or Assembly).
- Judges: Some states elect judges for their state courts.
- Attorney General, Secretary of State, etc.: These are other statewide offices that manage different aspects of state government.
Local Elections:
- Mayor: The head of a city’s government.
- City Council: The legislative body that makes laws and decisions at the city level.
- School Board: These folks make decisions about local schools.
- Sheriff, County Executive, etc.: Other local offices that vary depending on where you live.
Ballot Measures: Sometimes, specific issues or laws are put directly to voters. These are called ballot measures, initiatives, or referendums. They can be at the federal, state, or local level.
Primaries: Before the general elections, political parties often hold primary elections to decide who their candidate for a particular office will be.
Special Elections: These can happen if someone in office resigns or is removed, and a replacement needs to be elected before the next regular election.